Topic: 月相显示 (page 3)

Moon phase watches (or moonphase watches) are some of the most popular luxury watches. The moonphase complication on a mechanical watch is usually accomplished with a disc which indicates the phase the moon is in, but there are many creative ways watches use to display the phases of the moon. Browse through these articles and find your favorite!

虽然万宝龙(Montblanc)因其高端笔具而享誉已久,但其在高端制表领域却还不算资深。万宝龙不断在新款腕表上加入品牌基因,以求为作品融入更多的「历史感」。其最新的Star Roman系列便以三款各具特色的腕表引起表迷们的关注。…
万宝龙Star Roman “Carpe Diem” 特别版腕表

如果你曾幻想过一枚高端腕表在设计丶生产和组装时的神秘过程,那麽播威(Bovet)於2016年发布的这枚Recital 18 Shooting Star腕表或许会让你误以为制表小精灵真的存在。只有少数时计可以将极致细节丶超凡设计和复杂功能结合得天衣无缝,这样的作品堪称是机械艺术的传奇。…
播威Recital 18 Shooting Star腕表评测