万国表达文西月相自动腕表 36 及积家约会系列月相腕表中型款腕表评测
如果有意推出女装复杂功能腕表,品牌大都倾向选择月相功能,原因无他,一是月亮的形象与女性相合,二是能起装饰之效。但已想不起是由哪个品牌开始,月相窗的尺码于近年变得越来越大,甚至占去半个表盘,营造了更大的粉饰空间。今年依然有不少女装月相腕表登场,当中以 ……
Moon phase watches (or moonphase watches) are some of the most popular luxury watches. The moonphase complication on a mechanical watch is usually accomplished with a disc which indicates the phase the moon is in, but there are many creative ways watches use to display the phases of the moon. Browse through these articles and find your favorite!