Rolex 彰顯電影卓越成就 推動知識傳承 專題文章 數十年來,Rolex ( 勞力士 ) 一直與電影藝術有著深厚淵緣: Rolex 腕錶不但曾於多部經典電影中亮相,更藉著創藝推薦資助計劃(Rolex…… 0 留言 February 14, 2020 撰文 Alfred Lung Rolex 彰顯電影卓越成就 推動知識傳承
Rolex Ambassador Sir Jackie Stewart On Watches, Cars, And Good Taste 專題文章 I was rather impressed to learn that Sir Jackie Stewart was one of Rolex's original serious brand ambassadors and has been part of the brand family since... 1968, when he… 15 留言 August 26, 2014 撰文 Ariel Adams Rolex Ambassador Sir Jackie Stewart On Watches, Cars, And Good Taste