WOLF 專利註冊 LusterLoc™ 物料 有效防止金屬氧化變色

WOLF 專利註冊 LusterLoc™ 物料 有效防止金屬氧化變色

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WOLF 為英國的華美皮具品牌,專營腕表盒、珠寶盒及腕表上鏈盒等。自 1834 年起由家族經營,憑藉五代人的努力,現任行政總裁 Simon Wolf 追求盡善盡美,讓產品成為完美、華貴及品味的象徵
2001 年,WOLF 更獲取 LusterLoc™ 專利發明,一款抗氧化襯裡,可防止金屬氧化變色高達 35 年之久。

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WOLF 專利註冊 LusterLoc™ 物料 有效防止金屬氧化變色 專題文章 展覽及活動 Affordable Alternatives 表壇動向 腕表選購

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How to Use Kratom for Energy

When using kratom for energy, it’s important to start with a low dose to assess tolerance. Gradually increase the dose as needed for the desired effect.

Dosage Guidelines: A small dose is typically between 1-5 grams, while a moderate to high dose can range from 5-15 grams, depending on the individual’s tolerance and the strain.
Method of Consumption: Kratom can be consumed as a tea, powder, capsule, or extract. The method of consumption may affect the onset and duration of effects.

Safety and Side Effects

While kratom can offer energy and focus, it’s important to use it responsibly due to potential side effects and the risk of dependency.

Potential Side Effects include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, and increased heart rate.
How to Mitigate Side Effects: Staying hydrated, consuming kratom with food, and not exceeding recommended dosages can help minimize side effects.

Types of Kratom

Kratom is categorized into three main types based on the color of the veins in the leaves: red, white, and green. Each type is reputed to have different effects.

Red Vein Kratom is known for its calming effects.
White Vein Kratom is most often used for its energy-boosting and stimulating effects.
Green Vein Kratom offers a balance between the effects of the red and white strains.

Best Kratom Strains for Energy

Maeng Da Kratom is a highly potent strain known for providing energy and focus.
Thai Kratom is another energizing strain, particularly the white and green varieties.
Green Malay offers a long-lasting energy boost and is known for its euphoric effects.


Kratom can be a natural way to boost energy and focus for those seeking an alternative to traditional stimulants. However, it’s important to choose the right strain, start with a low dose, and be mindful of potential side effects.


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